Dr.Milind Khanapurkar
Indian education system has rich history which leads to holistic development of students.Besides fostering knowledge and making students job ready,the holistic education aims to make students socially responsive showcasing ethical and professional character.Thus leading to prepare the individual for not only as job seeker or entrepreneur but also being good human being to be able to contribute towards our country in nation building process.During last decades and in forthcoming decades to come,the modern technical and professional education to be governed through provisions of NEP-2020 is marching towards imparting skills and hands-on based education.World Economic Forum has predicated ever-growing multidimensional demands of carrier markets in emerging technologies,thrust areas and multidisciplinary engineering.
We at Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women,Nagpur are striving hard to contribute toward quality improvement and to provide holistically developed women power equipped with very high standards of skills,ethical professionalism and having aptitude of lifelong learning to the society.With the support of Cummins India Limited,its associated counterparts and other reputed industry partners CCoEW takes every possible efforts to groom the students not only in their chosen discipline,but also broaden their mind-sets and create positive attitude with all qualities to make them an asset to their respective workplaces.
Students,Faculty and Infrastructure are the main pillars of the recently launched National Education Policy(NEP-2020) by Ministry of Education,Government of India.We at CCOEW are committed to nourish our students and faculty so as to stand tall like a rock to face emerging era challenges ahead by timely upgrading and updating our infrastructure facilities to accomplish our endeavours.
Best wishes from Team CCoEWN Jai Hind !!!