Challan/Receipt showing proof of payment of processing fee paid to the Fees Regulating Authority.
Affidavit in the prescribed format (as per the proforma published) duly verified and attested by the person duly authorised in terms of section 2(I) of the FRA Act,
Computation sheet for the academic year 2023-24
Depriciation Chart for the academic year 2023-24
Proposal Form in Prescribed Proforma A,B,C,D and E
Proposal Form in Prescribed Proforma Income and Expenditure
Audited financial statements of the Institute/College for the financial year 2021-22 of the Institute and Hospital (for Health and Science Courses) duly signed by the Chartered Accountant & Countersigned by the person authorised in terms of section 2(I) of the FRA Act, 2015
ii)Receipt & Payment Account,
(iii)Income & Expenditure Account, and
iv)Balance Sheet.
(v) All the financial statements as mentioned above should be accompanied by detailed schedules and notes to accounts.
(vi) The Auditors Report must be accompanied by Form No. A1 & A2 (Annexure - A) As per prescribed by the FRA and same to be dully signed by the Auditor along with particulars such as Name of the Auditor/firm , firm registration number, name of there partner or proprietor with his/ her membership number, UDIN.and seal of the firm. Each page of Form No.A1 and A2 must bear the signature of the Auditor
Copies of Form No 16 in respect of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff
TDS return statement for Salary (teaching and non teaching) in Form No. 24Q for all Quarters along with Annexure II (i.e. Annual salary Details) Duly certified by the auditor or Principal of the College/Institute
TDS return/ quarterly statements for non-salary in Form No. 26Q along with details of deductee, nature of payment, amount, etc, in excel sheet duly certified by the college/institute
Copy of audited annual financial statements of the Trust/Society for the financial year 2021-22 running the colleges/institute along with all schedules and notes to accounts.
Copies of income tax return/assessment order filed by the trust and institute/college for the assessment year 2021-22 & 2022-23 duly attested by the Auditor.
Proposed budget of the institute/college for the financial year 2023-24 duly signed by the President, Secretary of the Trust & the Principal of the institute/college.
Certified copy of the bank account statement(s) of the institute /college for the Financial Year 2021-22 showing debits entries of the salary paid to teaching and Non-Teaching staff through cheque/NEFT. Note: The original copy of the Bank Statements must be attested as true copy by the Branch Manager of the Bank.
Certified copy of bank account statement(s) of the institute /college for the Financial Year 2021-22 showing debits entries of the all payments made as non-salary expenditure made through bank.
Letter of approval of teaching staff issued by the approving Authority duly attested by the Principal of the institute/college.
Letter showing the sanctioned intake capacity approved by the competent authority for the academic year 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23 duly attested as true copy by the Principal of the institute/college (as per course duration).
Accreditation Certificate duly attested by the Principal of the Institute/College if the Institute claim to be accredited by the Accreditation Committee
Copy of fees structure approved by the Fees Regulating Authority for the academic year 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23 (as per course duration).
Certified copy of the property card and/or 7/12 extract showing the ownership of the land owned by the institute/trust.
Certified copy of the Municipal Property Assessment Register issued by the Municipal Corporation /Municipal Council, Gram Panchayat for the purpose of assessing property tax.
Statement of Fees collected from the students admitted under Management /Institution and NRI quota in the prescribed Proforma as per Annexure B
Statement showing the number of students admitted in the college for the course, appeared & passed in examination.
List of Visiting faculties, Qualifications, Amount Paid to individual & Mode of Payment (Cash/ Cheque/Bank)
List of Guest faculties, Qualifications, Subject, Amount Paid to individual & Mode of Payment (Cash/ Cheque/Bank)
The receipt showing acknowledgement of affiliation fees paid to the affiliating authority.
The receipt showing acknowledgement of Payment of inspection fee by the affiliating authority
The receipt showing acknowledgement of Affiliation Fees paid to the University
The Receipt of payment made to university (Students X Eligibility Fee per Student = Total)
The Receipt of payment made to university
Item wise List of expenses claimed towards Repairs & Maintenance of College Building with courses wise bifurcation
Item wise List of expenses claimed towards Repairs & Maintenance expenditure towards Furniture Equipment, Vehicle Computers Electrification etc. with course-wise bifurcation
Item wise list of expenses claimed towards "Other Repairs & Maintenance with course-wise bifurcation
Bills and receipts of expenses claimed towards Advertisement with copies of the advertisement published in the newspaper
Copy of sanction letter from the Bank/Financial Institution for which interest expenditure is claimed as a deduction on cash/credit overdraft/working capital facilities/TEQIP
Itemise list of expenditure claimed under professional charges Other /Consultancy fees legal/consultancy Fees other with documentary proof payment made towards professional with copy of TDS deducted and Chillan of deposited made.
The Item wise list of 'Other Expenses relating to students' activities claimed under the head of Expenses related to students i.e. any other expenses relating to students: activity not specifically covered under other head provided for "Expenses related to Students'
Copies of Bills and receipts of payment made to the service provider towards Internet Charges/Services
Copies of Bills and receipts of payment made towards electricity charges with course wise bifurcation claimed as an expenditure in the proposal form to the service provider towards Internet Charges/Services
Copies of Bills and receipts of payment made towards water charges with course wise bifurcation claimed as an expenditure in the proposal form to the service provider towards Internet Charges/Services
Copies of the agreement of the college /Institute with the transporter to provide free transport service to the students.
The receipts of payment made to the transporter towards free transport service to the students
Itemise list of expenditure with receipts of payment made towards amount claimed under the head of Training and Placement
Itemise list of expenditure with receipt of payment made towards amount claimed under the head of "Conference and Seminar of Faculties"
Itemise list of expenditure with receipt of payment made towards amount claimed under the head of "Conference and Seminar of Students
Copy of agreement providing manpower in lieu of non teaching staff if engaged by the Institute /college with copies of TDS Return
Copy of agreement providing manpower in lieu of sweeping and /or cleaning staff gardening if engaged by the institute college with copies of TDS return
Copy of agreemen tprovideing manpower in lieu of sweeping and /or claning staff gardening material
Copy of agreement providing manpower in lieu of security and or watchman if engaged by the institute /college with copies of TDS returns. Sweeping and /or cleaning staff gardening material
Item wise list of expenditure with receipts of payment made towards amount claimed under the head of "Laboratory Expenses, Demonstration Material and Chemicals Consumable etc. expenses
The Processing fee paid to NAAC/NBA/NIRF .NABH/NABL etc. FOR accreditation (if applicable)
Item-wise list of other expenses claimed under the head of "All other expenses not categorise / not grouped in any heads/subheads give above
Copies of bills and receipts for addition to the fixed asset during the Financial Year 2021-22
Item wise list , bills and receipts of expenses claimed as the purchase of seeds, manure, fertilizer insecticide pesticide and Nursery expenses in the case of Agriculture College/institute
Item wise bills and receipts of expenses claimed as the purchase of Cattle fee Fodder medicine etc. in respect of courses conducted by agriculture colleges /Institutes.
Proof of Online proposal for approval of Fees for A.YU. 2023-24 displayed on the website and notice board of the Institute